Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Diet Weigh In

Ok. It has been one whole week since I started my diet and according to my scales I lost 11 pounds! I don't know that that is correct but hey. I am now gearing up for week 2 . I have a 20 week plan that I made myself and I hope to be able to keep with it. The biggest thing for me is to just not eat when I'm not hungry. That sounds so simple but these days there is always food around and events where tons of food is served and it all looks so good but I really don't need all of that. I'm excited and I keep stepping on the scales to see if they really say I lost 11 pounds and so far it has. I have postponed my next doctor appointment for a few weeks so he can see a change and hopefully my BP and Cholesterol tests will be better. I need someone to diet with me. Hint. Hint. Sharron.

1 comment:

Truckin Teeds said...

I'm gonna try weight watchers...we can try to help keep each other accountable. I'll let you know when I've purchased the book. I should still have a couple more days left of BAD eating :o)