Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Kids Say The Funniest Things

While in Arkansas I went to a Walmart just over the Missouri border (only about 5 miles from my sister's house) and tried to get a few groceries to get us through the next week. I let each child pick one thing that they really wanted for the next week and Katlyn picked a cereal, Austin a drink and Phillip went off towards the meats but quickly came back and asked in a very excited voice, "Mom, where do they keep the Lebanon Bologna?" Poor guy. He settled for a pack of pepperoni as his choice. That isn't all they ate for the week mind you but that was mom's way of keeping them busy for a minute while I shopped for groceries. We did our fair share of eating at my all time favorite BOJANGLES. I even talked Tim and Sharron into going there for breakfast one morning instead of IHOP. Since we've been back I have made sure I had Lebanon Bologna for Phillip.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is too cute!! I think is cute how kids don't realize things like that and they are so serious when they ask it and you have to try to explain it to them. I can't get over every time I see pictures of Philip how much he looks like his daddy! He is like a little Matt!