Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Mom is still in the Hershey Medical Center but should be coming home tomorrow. They were unable to schedule the biopsy until Monday so she will come home to wait and then go have it done as an out patient. She is understandably on edge. Apparently she has had symptoms for about three months now but each symptom could be excused for one ailment or another and she never thought a whole lot about any of them until the excruiating pain in her side and back came. I thought it could be kidney trouble and she thought she had pulled a muscle. Regardless, my mom has a very high tolerance for pain and when she said it was unbearable I knew it was serious. My mom doesn't complain of pain. Thankfully she did agree to go with me to the ER even thought she kinda fought it the whole way. She hasn't been in the hospital in over 30 years.

The doctors will not give any kind of treatment plan until they receive the biopsy back and that could be the end of next week at the earliest. The wait will be hard on mom. Thanks for your prayers.


Susanna said...

We're praying for all of you!! So sorry about this turn of events. God is not surprised, and He has all things in His control. I'm glad He's that kind of God!

Anita Marie said...

Praying for you Mom. Just read about this on someone else's blog and thought I would come here to find out more.

laurie said...

Thanks you guys!