Friday, April 18, 2008

Still At Hershey

The biopsy was scheduled for Thursday instead of Monday so I rushed back to the hospital after planning to stay with Nathan and let mom's sisters visit with her. I spent the night Thursday night, with my mom so she would not have to be alone. I have had help with getting my 4 children to and from school and babysitters and I really appreciate it. Mom was up alot in the night needing this or that and mostly just keyed up and wanting to talk. Her arm had swelled a little yesterday so they took her for a biopsy and a scan on her arm thinking it could be a clot or something. They were concerned about a stroke for a little bit but it turned out to be clear and we think what happened is her IV slipped out of the vein and the meds were going in causing her arm to swell. I got some heat pads on that spot during the night when they came to give her the antibiotics. She was in alot of pain.

Today her sisters are with her and she is in good spirits. She got a preliminary report back from her biopsy and she does indeed have lymphoma and is being transfered to onocology now for treatment. They are still going to wait until the full report comes back before she will start anything. We will be getting a second opinion at the Cancer Center in Philly. She says she will set her mind that what is, is and she will just fight it and do whatever they tell her!

I am home today cooking up a storm for our Spaghetti Fundraiser meal that we had scheduled for Saturday. I wish I could have just cancelled it but we had advertised it some (not as extensively as we had planned) and we're afraid some will come and wonder where we are so I am making the sauce and baking goodies today. I will probably have a ton of leftovers and we will use it all on all the company that is coming to see mom. Her 2 brothers and 2 more sisters will be coming on Saturday. Sharron and Tim will also be here sometime in the night Friday night and Jamie, my younger brother, is on his way back from Utah and should be in on Saturday. I feel like they are coming from all over. =)

Keep us all in your prayers. My dad didn't get to work at all until Friday and he will need to keep up with work as much as he can as they are in the process of moving to a bigger house. Our plan is to try and move them in while Mom is in the hospital so she will have a nice place to come home to. She has been packing and ready to move for a month now and it would be depressing for her to come home to all the boxes she has stacked in every corner. The people that are moving out of the place they are moving into are having trouble getting things moved.

1 comment:

carla said...

So sorry to hear about your mom. I will be praying for her.