Tuesday, April 22, 2008

So many procedures

Monday was a busy day for mom. They started her off with the echocardiogram to see if her heart was strong enough for chemo treatment. The rest of the day was full of more tests. I arrived at about 8 am and found mom very upset. The doctors come in throughout the day delivering these scare o grams and gets their patients all worked up. Several ladies from the church came yesterday to help clean the house they are moving into and I will be able to be there today to help complete the work. It is looking so nice. There is some painting to be done and the carpets are probably clean by now. We are hoping to have some things moved in for them tonight. I don't know when she is coming home yet but I want things set up for her. I haven't' mentioned my dad much but truthfully we are doing this moving just as much for him as he is very stressed right now and needs this larger house to come home to. He is getting very little sleep and has been unable to get his work done. He has a very flexible job but you do have to spend hours at the courthouse and at appointments and he just hasn't been able to do that. It is a part time job so he is hoping to catch up some hours the rest of this week. I don't think he has even told his boss what is going on yet. I know God is in control and he has unlimited resources. He knows what lies ahead and He will see us through this. We are also so thankful for God's family and the support they have given us. Keep us in your prayers and keep in contact with us. We are very busy but you don't know how much of an encouragement it is for all of us to check our blogs and emails and see how many people are praying and sending words of encouragement. Anita, Mom was flattered that you would even remember her and would email from England. We have been able to have a computer at the hospital and try to read all of the emails to mom. She also has had us use the computer to help her shop! Can you believe it? She had been going to look for furniture for their new place and now she is kinda stuck but she did think of a way to still be able to shop.

1 comment:

Anita Marie said...

Well, I'm thrilled that your Mom remembers me. We continue to pray for all of you.