Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The Terrible Twos Have Hit!

My little guy is getting into everything! While I am busy cleaning up one mess, he is busy making an even bigger one. I bought a potty seat to start potty training and he brings it to me often saying he needs to go potty. He hasn't gone the first time yet but it's not for a lack of trying. The other morning I just couldn't keep up with him and I needed to get my kitchen cleaned so I put him in the high chair and put a dvd in my laptop. He sat right there watching Winnie the Pooh while I did the dishes and before long I noticed he had fallen asleep. I don't remember the other three being this busy. When I have to correct him or tell him he is naughty, he starts singing "Jesus Loves Me". I guess he likes that reminder that someone loves him even though mommy is upset with him at the moment. He has done that so often now it's hard to keep a straight face when correcting him.

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