Friday, February 1, 2008

On the Mend

Katlyn is up and around now with just a slight sore throat. She is sure she will not be able to go to Church on Sunday though. I overheard a lady in the recovery area at the surgical center tell her husband she just was not going to church on Sunday so he could just plan now that she would not be going. She told him it was going to be too much trouble to get her hair in some sort of do. I heard him ask her where her bonnet was and she said they had to take it off for surgery so I figured she must be a Brethern or Menenite. I remembered that when Katlyn announced she would not be able to go.

Austin is still very sore and hating to drink all that I'm trying to get down him. The youth pastor just came by with gift baskets of goodies for the kids and that perked them up a little. Austin and I are going to chill out in the livingroom and watch a Monk or Murder She Wrote DVD. We share a like for mysteries and we like how Monk has all those little quirks about him. We can relate a little to him. Matt has a few of those quirks.

Well, the kids are doing better and I think we will be getting a break from this soon so thank you for praying.

1 comment:

JenLo said...

Luckily, it's usually the first few days that are miserable and then things turn up quickly. I hope Austin gets back to normal soon! PS--we love Monk too!