Saturday, September 8, 2007

Yard Sale

I don't know why I bother to ever have yard sales. It is always so much work with so little pay and you are tied up for the days you have them. I decided to have one none the less and so I have today to look forward to getting it all out again. I started it yesterday morning and worked for hours putting everything out and pricing. I made a whopping $40! I had to gather the things together onto one table to tarp for the night and bring in other things so now I am dreading setting all of that up again. Matt is not in for yard sales at all. He would rather set things out with a FREE sign or tote it down to the local thrift store which is what I will be doing later today. I thought I was doing some clutter control and cleaning out the kids toys and clothes but when I took a look around the house last night I can imagine where all that stuff in the yard fit into our house. Our house still looks full. I think I need to go through again. Austin has the very first stuffed animal he was ever given along with every stuffed animal since. He just likes to collect them. He used to sleep with all of them but he has outgrown that and they reside around his bed on the floor. Well, it't 7am and I need to be out there setting things out again. Katlyn had a sleepover and they are already up so I think I'll put them to work.


JenLo said...

My kids have been begging to have a yard sale, but it's too much work for me too! I usually do it only for one day (not two) and then load everything up and haul away what didn't sell. Hope you make some bucks today!

Truckin Teeds said...

WOW! You were up LATE last night! I bet you're half dozing over your yardsale table. I hope today goes better (as in LOTS of bucks). :o)