Monday, September 24, 2007

My Class is Growing!

It is exciting to see the Sunday School class growing. We had 19 this past Sunday. My group is just 8 year olds. About 8-9 years ago my sister in law and I team taught this class and at that time it included 7 year olds as well. We started running 50-60 children every week and that was way more than we felt we could handle. We had to have several "bouncers" passing out quiet seat prizes all through the lesson just to keep the crowd under control. After a few months of this we spilt the class and the 7 year olds went to a class of their own. I don't know exactly what the reason is but when we did this the attendance dropped tremendously. Now between the 2 classes we usually only have half of the students we used to. Some weeks I feel like we still have the same distraction problems as we had when we had the larger numbers. Other times we are able to get into discussions with the children that would have been difficult with the larger class. I pray we are making a difference in someone's life. My desire is to show them the plan of salvation and give them opportunity to accept Christ each week.


JenLo said...

That is just wonderful!

Leora Schenck said...

I'm happy for your class! Keep up the good work. You have such wonderful ideas.

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