Friday, November 2, 2007

Playful Ponies

Matt, Austin and Katlyn are gone for a few days so the joys of taking care of the ponies fell to Mom. I got Phillip off to school yesterday and then went about my day. After a couple of hours I needed something from the car so I went out and on my way back in I heard a loud whine from the ponies. I turned around and they were trotting towards me and their empty hay trough. I told them I would be right back after I took something inside and boy did they get louder. I went out and loaded up their trough and talked to them for a bit. They were so cute. Latter when Phillip was home and he and Nathan were playing outside, the ponies whined again so we gave them their sweet grain. This morning I went out right after putting Phillip on the bus and they were already at the fence waiting on me. Matt has the camera with them so I'll have to wait until they get back to put some pictures up.

1 comment:

Truckin Teeds said...

Animals can be so funny. Glad you're still enjoying them. :o)